Saturday, October 27, 2012

P.S. to Long Gone But Never Forgotten

Sissy (my dear older sister Norma, now the matriarch of the family) emailed me after reading the post from this morning and in keeping with preserving memories, I just had to share this...

"I loved your article about Gramma Fella.  I remember Mom telling me about the night before she passed ( Gramma I mean).  She was at the Danville hospital and Mom had gone to visit her. She told me that Gramma said to her 'I am going home tomorrow,' and our mom said back, 'Mom, I know you want to but you can't go home just yet.'  Gramma said, 'No, not house home; home to God.'  She knew she was going, and yes she did go peacefully.  Wonderful memories of her.  I stayed mostly when she was working for Mr Cox.  It was such fun, I could walk uptown to shop, walk to the library and had freedom to go places that we didn't have out in the country. Always cried when I had to go back home."

Done in her class this week.
Sissy is a very young 83-year-old artist whose paintings flow from her brush as easily as words do from my pen (or keyboard).

Because we were a divorced family and I was the youngest of the original five with a 14-year age span, I have little or no memory of the extended family tree and the stories it holds.  I have been encouraging Sissy to write down glimpses of history like the one above because all that knowledge ends with her. She isn't sure she has much to offer when it comes to writing.  I beg to differ.


  1. I beg to differ as well! Do you have ANY IDEA how much I love this painting??!!! Birdies!!

  2. Me too! She's never quite sure what will come out of her brush - such talent!

  3. The painting is stunning! Tell Auntie we know what we want for the next 12 Christmases!!!;)
    and your words are lovely Mama, so thankful for your Grandmother for you. What a gift.
