Wednesday, October 17, 2012

A New Adventure With An Old Love

A New Adventure with an Old Love

My first post on my first blog..a very happy thing! As you can see, it is just in the baby stage, and you will see my fingerprints as it grows.

I have loved writing for as long as I can remember - in fact, long before I ever really knew how to. As the youngest of seven children, I was the one who had to stay with a sitter while the siblings "got" to go to school. The sitter was (in the eyes of a five-year-old) a very tiny, very sweet, very wrinkled lady known only as Granny Cox. The house was nothing remarkable but a beautiful white trellis with miniature pink roses was. She told me I was named after them.  I believed her.

What I remember most about my days with Granny Cox is that I would stand under the trellis with my brown and somewhat tattered teddy bear as my mother said she would see me later and to be sure to be a good girl.

Granny Cox knew what little girls liked ...well, at least this little girl; not cookies and milk (though I never turned them down), but new pencils with newly sharpened lead and unused erasers!  She gave me paper, paper and more paper. I wanted so badly for real words to somehow magically appear.  I would even hold the pencil the way my siblings did and move my hands back and forth the same way. Surely if I tried hard enough, I could get what was in my little heart onto the paper.

I still love new pencils - I still love actually writing on paper rather than using a keyboard but in the interest of sharing my words in this millennium, I resort to technology.

Maybe someone will read From My Heart to Yours and be blessed; maybe no one will, but I will still be blessed as I share bits and pieces of a long life, most of it walking with God, some of it not. I want my grandchildren and their children and their children to read it and say, "I would like to have known her." I want to remind them of God's goodness and grace, of times when I let Him down but  more times when He lifted me up. I want them to know that He loves me when I am unlovable and one of those silly sheep we read about. I want to share so many things - stories and lessons and blessings....  I want to share writings old and new, and if,  along the way, the reader is blessed as well, then God will smile on both of us. So dear reader, I hope you will meet me here again and enjoy the journey as my words make their way from my heart to yours.

Blessings, Rosi

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