Sunday, January 13, 2013

Life According to Ernestine

Introducing Ernestine -  Ernestine P. Jones, my little praying angel-bear friend.  (We keep the 'bear' part a secret because she doesn't know that she isn't people.)

 Ernestine came to live with me several years ago and for the most part has lived in a survival basket in the front seat of my car observing all of life – my ‘happies’ (so many of them), my ‘sads’ (c’mon, folks, life happens – don’t tell me you don’t have them) and even a few ‘mads’ thrown in. Fortunately she’s learned that the ‘mads’ don’t last long because they are futile and waste energy.

While she is not quick to engage in conversation, she is eager to share some of what she has been privy to over the years.  I trust she will speak kindly of me. I think her little head might be ready to explode with so many words, causing her halo to be a mite too tight. She has asked me to transcribe her thoughts because her paws are forever bound together in prayer and her knees are calloused. We should all have such maladies.

That being said, I trust that her words of wisdom are noteworthy…some are results of my own growth while others are quotes from those I admire.
                                                        Red ribbon in heart shape                                                     
“I must say that being chosen to live with Msrosib has given me a much different life from the one on the shelf at the hospital gift shop. She has been very good to me though there are times when, in her haste, she has covered me with coats, purses, groceries or blankets. On occasion, she has even put my basket/home in the back seat where I can see nothing except the back of her head. Eventually, she uncovers me but not before I have been licked and sniffed by a red furry thing she calls Lexy. I don’t care much for that Lexy thing or her bad breath.  Nonetheless, under the blankets or in full view of life, I have absorbed words, thoughts and bits of what she calls journeying.  I’m not exactly certain what all of them mean but I like the way they roll off my tongue and  tickle my heart. I don’t think she minds if I pass on a few of them.
~ Live simply ~

~ Remember, when it comes to judging, there is always one more fact about which you know nothing. ~ Oswald Chambers ~

~ There is always something to be thankful for ~

~ Choose your words carefully for some day you may have to eat them ~

~ Freely offer grace, forgiveness and kindness – it costs nothing ~

~ When you hear a siren or see flashing lights, pray. Unless they are coming from a parade, most likely it isn’t a happy occasion. ~

~Obey God and leave the rest to Him ~ Dr. Charles Stanley ~ 

~ Listen more than you talk. God gave us two ears and one mouth ~

~ Do the next right thing ~

“I am very excited to have words on what Msrosib calls a blog. That’s a funny word, but if it’s a good and happy thing, I hope to be here again.”

You will, Ernestine P. Jones. You will indeed.

Copyright 2013


  1. I am glad Ernestine can share what she gleans from life with you. :) She is lovely. And I am thankful for all I glean as well. xoxoxo

    1. Thanks Karrot - I love her too but as you said, I must be a little careful - she knows too much. :-)))

  2. I absolutely love Ernestine! !! I do hope she comesback to visit your blog. She is soooo delightful. Love her to pieces.

    1. Thank you Sissie - no doubt she will return many times; she has many many words to share. <3
