Sunday, January 27, 2013
Changes coming
Readers - May I just say that I will soon be switching to Wordpress and will let you all know when that happens. The frustration of the text repeatedly looking one way on the preview and quite another on the published post has made the decision for me. What good is it if the format doesn't hold for publishing?!? So I will just ask you to pay attention to the text of the last post rather than how much eye appeal it has. Thanks. :)
On Priorities
pri-or-i-ty (noun) 1. Precedence by order of importance 2. An established right to precedence 3. Something
deserving prior attention (American Heritage Dictionary)
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
The tsunamis of life
force us to evaluate - or re-evaluate as the case may be - our priorities. What
matters the most to us? Where do we spend our time, our money, our efforts?
What steals the most energy? The old addage that the squeaky wheel gets
the grease is ever true - the tyranny of the urgent. And yet, where do those
‘wheels’ fit in the big picture of our lives? Are they done with a Godward
purpose? Most importantly, do they match up with what we say is most
important to us?
It has been said that -
despite our words - the proof of our priorities is found in our checkbook and
on our calendar. Ouch.
I had a conversation this
week with an executive of a major corporation about priorities. He is highly respected and considered to
be one of those people who has ‘three feet on the ground’ ….solid….trustworthy…unruffled
by what I call corporate craziness and not impressed with money or position.
Unlike many who receive a new title and promotion, he doesn’t buy a bigger
house or more expensive car. To
the contrary, he has lived in the same house he bought 17 years ago when he was
making $40K a year; he has never driven anything but the dependable Toyota
Corola and has no plan to change. His list of priorities is taped onto the bathroom
mirror so he is reminded of them every morning while he is shaving.
he’s at the office, he ‘brings it’ 110% but at the end of the day, it’s just a
job. His top priority is his family.
He comes in early so he can leave early to spend time with them. He turns off
his cell phone and doesn’t check emails or do any work-related tasks until the
kids are in bed…what an example.
conversation caused me to take a look at my own priorities. I found that
thinking about them is far easier than listing them and holding myself
accountable to them.
Old Testament prophet Haggai wrote in the 1st chapter “Give careful thought to your ways. You have
planted much, but harvested little; you eat but never have enough; you drink
but never have your fill. You put on clothes but are not warm; you earn wages
only to put them in a purse with holes in it.”
conjures up an image of the hamster on the wheel going nowhere fast as days fade
into years with no do-overs.
reading the words from the prophet, I had to go back to the first paragraph of
this post and ask myself the same questions. My answers will determine, not
only what the list on my bathroom mirror will say, but how I live out that
list. In short, will my walk and my talk align? Will I live my priorities in a way that is honoring to God and
beneficial to those I love the most?
must happen. I, too, must must give careful thought to my ways. I do not wish to be like the hamster.
Saturday, January 19, 2013
A Few of Our Favorite things
Readers...after having way too much trouble with this post from random dates on photos that can't be removed to preview looking nothing like the original post and photos deciding where they will end up, I am posting anyway as this has been rattling around in my head for a couple of weeks. Thinking seriously about switching to Wordpress. Until then, here's a little something from Ernestine P. Jones.
Msrosib said that my very first post last week brought lots of page views; I’m not sure what that means but since she smiled about it, I guess it’s a happy thing, so she said I could have more words now but to choose them carefully as I know too much about her. (Indeed I do.) She has been kind to me, though, so I shall return that kindness as we relish Christmas 2012.
The other day I heard her singing “A Few of My Favorite Things “ from the movie The Sound of Music. She likes to sing; I like to listen.
She has her own list of favorite things – surely music is near the top. She also has a new little journal that she bought at New Seasons in Washington. It’s her favorite (one must always have a new journal with the 'right' feel and the 'right' look and the 'right' combination of art and writing space on the pages). And of course the first entries must always be about new and happy things.
Coffee from
Portland and African beauties,
Photos of wee girls and brother – such cuties!
Handstitched and freehand - a treasure called JOY,
Bookmarks and drawings by small girl and boy;
Candles – both scented – and one smells like roses;
Cozy and pleasant to everyone’s noses.
Napkins and cutting boards - snowmen galore,
Books about birdies – who could want more?
shakers and music from iTunes,
Better than parties with lots of balloons.
ESV Bible with softest blue covers;
Just the right size for my travel endeavors.
Ticket to concert of lifetime desire,
To soak in such blessings, must sit by my fire
To ponder my life and God's goodness to me;
A life richly blessed more than any should be!
Until Next time.......Blessings,
Ernestine P. Jones
Copyright 2013

Msrosib said that my very first post last week brought lots of page views; I’m not sure what that means but since she smiled about it, I guess it’s a happy thing, so she said I could have more words now but to choose them carefully as I know too much about her. (Indeed I do.) She has been kind to me, though, so I shall return that kindness as we relish Christmas 2012.
The other day I heard her singing “A Few of My Favorite Things “ from the movie The Sound of Music. She likes to sing; I like to listen.
She has her own list of favorite things – surely music is near the top. She also has a new little journal that she bought at New Seasons in Washington. It’s her favorite (one must always have a new journal with the 'right' feel and the 'right' look and the 'right' combination of art and writing space on the pages). And of course the first entries must always be about new and happy things.
Her newest
and happiest things are treasures from the people who know her best and love
her the most …she even made up a song about them to the same tune as ‘My
Favorite Things’ …well it started out that way, but then she resorted to a
simple rhyme. She loves simplicity
and all things cozy; obviously the gift givers do as well.
Photos of wee girls and brother – such cuties!
Handstitched and freehand - a treasure called JOY,
Bookmarks and drawings by small girl and boy;
Candles – both scented – and one smells like roses;
Cozy and pleasant to everyone’s noses.
Napkins and cutting boards - snowmen galore,
Books about birdies – who could want more?
Better than parties with lots of balloons.
ESV Bible with softest blue covers;
Just the right size for my travel endeavors.
Ticket to concert of lifetime desire,
To soak in such blessings, must sit by my fire
To ponder my life and God's goodness to me;
A life richly blessed more than any should be!
Ernestine P. Jones
Copyright 2013
Sunday, January 13, 2013
Life According to Ernestine
Introducing Ernestine - Ernestine P. Jones, my
little praying angel-bear friend.
(We keep the 'bear' part a secret because she doesn't know that she isn't people.)
Ernestine came to live with me several years ago and for the most part has lived in a survival basket in the front seat of my car observing all of life – my ‘happies’ (so many of them), my ‘sads’ (c’mon, folks, life happens – don’t tell me you don’t have them) and even a few ‘mads’ thrown in. Fortunately she’s learned that the ‘mads’ don’t last long because they are futile and waste energy.
Ernestine came to live with me several years ago and for the most part has lived in a survival basket in the front seat of my car observing all of life – my ‘happies’ (so many of them), my ‘sads’ (c’mon, folks, life happens – don’t tell me you don’t have them) and even a few ‘mads’ thrown in. Fortunately she’s learned that the ‘mads’ don’t last long because they are futile and waste energy.
While she is
not quick to engage in conversation, she is
eager to share some of what she has been privy to over the years. I trust she will speak kindly of me. I
think her little head might be ready to explode with so many words, causing her halo to be a mite too tight. She has
asked me to transcribe her thoughts because her paws are forever bound together
in prayer and her knees are calloused. We should all have such maladies.
said, I trust that her words of wisdom are noteworthy…some are results
of my own growth while others are quotes from those I admire.
“I must say that being chosen to live
with Msrosib has given me a much different life from the one on the shelf at
the hospital gift shop. She has been very good to me though there are times
when, in her haste, she has covered me with coats, purses, groceries or
blankets. On occasion, she has even
put my basket/home in the back seat where I can see nothing except the back of
her head. Eventually, she uncovers me but not before I have been licked and
sniffed by a red furry thing she calls Lexy. I don’t care much for that Lexy thing
or her bad breath. Nonetheless,
under the blankets or in full view of life, I have absorbed words, thoughts and
bits of what she calls journeying. I’m not exactly certain what all of them mean but I like the way they
roll off my tongue and tickle my heart. I don’t think she minds if I pass on a few
of them.”
~ Live simply ~
~ Remember, when it
comes to judging, there is always one more fact about which you know nothing. ~
Oswald Chambers ~
~ There is always something to be thankful for ~
~ Choose your words
carefully for some day you may have to eat them ~
~ Freely offer grace, forgiveness
and kindness – it costs nothing ~
~ When you hear a siren
or see flashing lights, pray. Unless they are coming from a parade, most likely
it isn’t a happy occasion. ~
~Obey God and leave the rest to Him ~ Dr. Charles Stanley ~
~Obey God and leave the rest to Him ~ Dr. Charles Stanley ~
~ Listen more than you
talk. God gave us two ears and one mouth ~
“I am very excited to have words on
what Msrosib calls a blog. That’s a funny word, but if it’s a good and happy
thing, I hope to be here again.”
You will, Ernestine
P. Jones. You will indeed.
Thursday, January 3, 2013
No Turning Back
"Therefore, if any man be in Christ, he is a new creation; the old things have passed away; behold all things become new." II Corinthians 5:17
We have before us a brand new year; 365 days completely untouched, unused and unmarred. Businesses will take inventory, Uncle Sam will collect his due taxes and many a New Years resolution will be made -- all with the same purpose -- to wipe the slate clean and start anew. It seems to be a universal need to leave our past behind. All the world wants a 'do over.'
Jesus surely understood this as He dealt with the woman caught in adultery; He understood it when He talked with Nicodemus in the wee hours. He understood it when he decided to build His church, beginning with Peter; bumbling, fickle, cowardly Peter, who opened his mouth when he shouldn't have and kept it closed when he shouldn't have and made a general nuisance of himself. But the second the big fisherman confessed Jesus as Lord, all of that was forgotten. All his failures were blotted out never to be remembered. And we know the rest of the story.
We can have that same experience. It's promised to us when we step within the fold of the family of God!
Father, for those of us who need to make a new start, let this be the time.
© 2013
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
A New Heart for the New Year
I don't make New Years resolutions because I have yet to keep them. I have learned that it is better for me to seek to be better rather than to do better. I came across this writing from years past and decided to post it, hoping the reader will find it relevant. I still do.
Father, more than anything, I ask you to create in me a clean heart. That was David’s prayer in Psalm 51 and it is my prayer in 2013. David knew his heart was selfish and in need of a spiritual circumcision; his was no different from ours. Lest we think too highly of ourselves, Jeremiah reminds us that the heart is deceitfully wicked above all else. David knew his heart was far from pure and even further from what you desired of him as king. You desire no less from me as a child of the King.
Above all, he wanted to return to sweet fellowship with you;
he wanted to be able to sing your praises, drink in your mercy and bask in your
grace. So do I, Father; oh, so do I! He wanted to return to the place where you
were his first love and where closeness with you mattered more than all the
gold and silver that were his. In
the pit of despair, he called out to you, acknowledged his sin and grieved over
it, knowing that he could never feel the heights of repentance until he had
reached the depth of admission. He
accepted your forgiveness and lived with the consequences. But you took sin that was directed
against you and turned it into a blessing for all mankind – one of those being
his son Solomon and where would we be without his wisdom?
David had multiple faults, falls, and failures. Yet in all of
Scripture, he is the only one you refer to as “a man after my own heart."
I want to be a woman after your own heart, Father. I want to accept what you give with
grace and gratitude. I want to be
unselfish, desiring what you want for me rather than what I think I need. I want to be obedient to your Word and for that obedience to be as natural as breathing. And when the year has ended, I want to look back and know that I am a little further down the path to being the woman you desire me to be.
And so I pray with David “Create in a me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within
Waiting with open heart,
© 2013
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